Picture is not of top quality, but you can see how square jawed face is structured: with huge cheekbones projecting horizontally, and proportionally big and square jaw.
Go follow her: @janjanyuan
ADD A COMMENTI like those Spanish brunettes. Very sexy. Dangerously feminine. Laura Ponte has massive B+ gonial angles, and a nice flat jaw line. [Read More]
Nice profile view of the model where you can see the straightness of the jawline, and the unquestionably square aspect of the [Read More]
I just stumbled upon that picture. It perfectly illustrates the face structure of Kate Moss. She is considered to be a gracile [Read More]
The supreme square jaw elegance.Look at the length and straightness of this jawline. Again this is a proof that the square jaw [Read More]
Got a square jaw? I will pay good $$.