The supreme square jaw elegance.
Look at the length and straightness of this jawline. Again this is a proof that the square jaw type is NOT androgenic. Very feminine women such as Caroline Lossberg are a living proof.
Follow her at @carolinelossberg

The supreme square jaw elegance.
Look at the length and straightness of this jawline. Again this is a proof that the square jaw type is NOT androgenic. Very feminine women such as Caroline Lossberg are a living proof.
Follow her at @carolinelossberg
What is frequent with these square jawed women, is the harmonious developement of the entire face. Bone growth was balanced. Cheekbones, jaw, [Read More]
Humans come in all kind of size and shapes. And so it is with the jaw. In this image you can clearly [Read More]
Carla Bruni, another model from the 90s. Facial structure is not super heavy, but one can appreciate the typical model facial structure, [Read More]
Got a square jaw? I will pay good $$.