This is the typical model face structure, with sharp angles that catch and break the light nicely.
Images source or copyright: The WOW Magazine issue #02. Photo: Jumbo Tsui. Style: Evan Feng. Hair stylist: Issac Yu.
ADD A COMMENTYes, Jennifer Lopes is member of the shadow club of square jawed women.When you look at this face, the robust face structure [Read More]
Superb model with well developed jaw box.Jaw is not super square though, C+ gonial jaw angle, B+ nice upturned chin. That nice [Read More]
Shalow Harlow was a world class model of the glorious model period of the 90’s. She was a top among the top. [Read More]
Interesting face structure. The jaw really seems to be a square block with overhanging super large cheekbones. The jaw is so developped [Read More]
Got a square jaw? I will pay good $$.